Friday, July 16, 2010

The usefulness of blogs in teaching

I came across this article,, which made me understand more clearly not only the purpose of blogs in education, but some of the philosophy behind their usage.
The learner-focused blog which allows students to interact with their peers as well as the instructor appears to be the most suitable. The idea is for classmates to help one another through collaboration and discussion, hopefully with a good deal of research somewhere in between.  
Let me state right now that I am a big fan of technology - I'm not a tech-junkie, but I know that I couldn't live without all the everyday devices we know and love so well - starting with my (sometimes) trustworthy computer. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, all this terrific stuff that is supposed to be used by me to help students be better readers.
Guess what, I don't teach in a school "behind God back", but I am a realist and an optimist. I know that it will take some time for many of my students to become familiar, and then comfortable with the use of technology. And I'm going to have to be the one to teach them this too.      
If there is one thing this M. Ed. should have done a better job at it is this, give me some solid ideas about how to integrate the non-tech with the tech stuff. After all if my students don't know how to spell 'enter' can I really tell them to press the 'enter' key now?
ABTW there are two of these on a keyboard!

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